Easter Rabbit

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Spend a happy morning or afternoon making this pretty rabbit.


For 1 rabbit:
  • 200g rye flour
  • 300g de plain flour
  • 170g strong white flour
  • 13g salt
  • 420g cold water
  • 13g fresh yeast
  • 20g softened butter
  • 1 baking sheet
    the width of your oven



  1. Blend the yeast with the water, then knead all the ingredients together at speed 1.  This will give you an easy-to-work ball of dough.  Take a third, form into a ball and leave to rise at room temperature (at not more than 20°) covered with a cloth.
  2. On a sheet of baking parchment the width of your oven roll out the remaining dough to 1cm thick.
  3. Cut out the rabbit shape with a knife using a cardboard template (the shape is easy to draw).  Cut out the ears and the ball and attach to the body.  When it’s ready, prepare your stencils, then sieve flour over the areas you wish to be paler.
  4. Cover with a large basin and leave to rise 40 mins at room temperature.
  5. Take the reserved portion of dough and roll out to form a base 20X10cm.  Slash the sides with a razor blade, flour the top, cover with a large bowl and put in the fridge.
    Pre-heat oven to 220°.
  6. After 40mins put the rabbit in the oven, pour a cup of water onto the floor of the oven to make steam, and bake for 40 mins, reducing the temperature to 200° after 30 mins.
  7. When removed from the oven, it will be white where floured and brown everywhere else.  Take the base out of the fridge, and press the feet of the rabbit into it.
    Reset oven to 220° and cook the base for 40 mins, reducing the temperature to 200° after 30 mins.
  8. When cooked, leave to cool on a grill, then insert the rabbit’s feet into the holes in the top, further hollowing them out  if necessary.


This bread can be used as decoration on Easter Day and can be eaten at once.  The base, being thicker will remain softer.  You can also make this bread up to 6 days in advance.
