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Peach Tiramisu

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The touch of tanginess softened by creamy mascarpone is a delight for the tastebuds.



For 4 sundaes :


  • 4 small peaches
  • 6 lady’s finger biscuits
  • 2 eggs
  • 40g rosemary honey
  • 150g mascarpone
  • 4 tbsp rosemary syrup
  • 4 sundae glasses


Peach Tiramisu















  • 1 hour in advance:  cut the peaches into dice and pour over the rosemary syrup.  Cover and leave in a cool place.
  •  ½ hour in advance take the mascarpone out of the fridge.  It will be easier to blend it in.
  • Separate the eggs.  In a large basin beat the 2 egg yolks with the honey until the mixture is frothy.
  • Add the mascarpone, mixing well until you have an even consistency.
  • Whip the 2 egg whites and fold delicately into the mixture with a spatula half at a time. 
  • Assembly:  crumble the lady’s finger biscuits and place some in the bottom of each sundae glass.  Divide the peaches and their juice between the dishes, and finally top with the cream mixture.
  • Cover the glasses with clingfilm and chill in the fridge for 4 – 12 hours.
  • Decorate with a slice of unpeeled peach and a verveine leaf.
  • Bon appetite!




NB: eat within 24 hours, otherwise oxygenation will cause the peaches and cream to turn dull.




Galettes des Rois, Gâteaux des Rois

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