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Cherry Conserve

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Choose the darkest cherries available.  Thyme flowers are available at the same time as cherries and will add a hint of Provence to this conserve.


For 5 to 6 jars  :
  • 1,4kg cherries (weight after stoning)
  • 1kg granulated sugar 
  • a pinch of thyme flowers
  • 30 small or 20 large fresh mint leaves
  • ou 20 grosses feuilles
  • 1 cherry stoner
  • 1 large pan
  •  1 jam funnel  

Cherry Conserve








The thyme flower is picking at the same time as cherries, it brings to this jam a perfume of Provence.





  1. cliquer pour agrandirBegin by preparing the jam funnel – you can make it yourself from foil (see photo) which will be flexible to fit different sized jam jars.
  1. Wash the cherries and stone them with the stoner – this is a very useful tool which can be used for wild plums, mirabelles and olives and can be obtained from most kitchen shops.  You can stone a kilo of cherries in 10 minutes!
  2.  Put the sugar and cherries into the pan and stir with a wooden spoon and let stand for 2 hours.
  3.  Scald the jars.
  4.  At the end of 2 hours, the sugar will have melted and formed a sort of thick jam with the cherries.  
    Place the pan onto a medium heat for around 30 minutes.  Bring to the boil and maintain boiling for 10 minutes to cook the cherries which will darken.
  5. Drain the cherries and set aside.
  6.  Boil up the syrup for 15 minutes or slightly more until it reduces and thickens.  When the syrup reaches 121° soft ball stage, pour in the fruits, add a pinch of thyme leaves, mint leaves and stir.
  7. Bring to the boil once again and then allow to infuse for a couple of minutes.  Remove the mint, fill the jars using the jam funnel, leaving 2 centimeters of air at the top.
  8.  Clean around the edges, close the lids and that’s it! 




 This method can be used for other fruits such as strawberries etc …..


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