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Peach Conserve

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A refreshing conserve to be eaten all summer long


For 4  30cl pots:
  • 12 peaches
  • 1 kg  granulated sugar
  • zest and juce of 1/2 lemon
  • 8 sprigs of rosemary
  • A large pan

Peach Conserve









  1. Peal and stone the peaches.  Weigh them – you re aiming for 1 kil of fruit. 
  2. Cover with sugar, scatter the lemon zest and add the juice, mix gently and let stand for an hour. 
  3. The sugar should be melted after an hour.  Heat gently and bring to the boil, then keep at boiling point for 20 minutes.  The conserve will darken and thicken.
  4. With a clean spoon, take a small amount of the syrup and pour it onto a cold plate.  It should become gel like – if not, return to the boil for a further 5 minutes until the desired texture is obtained. 
  5. Place the rosemary sprigs into the conserve and allow to infuse for 5 minutes. 
  6. Scald the pots, remove the rosemary and pour the conserve into the pots using a jam funnel.





Variation: replace the rosemary leaves with 10 leaves of verbena. 



Galettes des Rois, Gâteaux des Rois

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