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Apple jam

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Two simple recipes – the natural pectin contained in apple makes this a very easy jam to make.


Apple jam with vanilla

  Easy to spread the consistency should be like marmalade


For 4 or 5 pots:

  • 6 chanteclerc apples
  • (950g when peeled)
  • 50cl water
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 850g sugar



Apple jam









  1. Peel and core the apples, keep the cores whole.  Place the apples into acidulated water to prevent them going brown.
  2. Heat the water, apple cores and vanilla pod, split along its length in a large pan.  Bring to the boil and cook for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the apples into small pieces, then place them into the pan with the lemon juice.  Bring back to the boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the apple cores.  
    Add the sugar, mix well then bring slowly back to the boil.  Boil for 20 minutes uncovered.  To test whether the jam is ready, place a small amount on to a chilled plate.  It should set quickly.
  4. Scald the pots and covers, then fill them with the jam.  Clean up the edges  with a very hot cloth then close the lids. 
  5. Keep I na dark place.


Apple caramel jam

  The consistency is clearer and the apple pieces are almost crystallised.




 For 4 or 5 pots:

  • 6 Chanteclerc apples
  • 1 kg when peeled
  • 900g sugar
  • 30cl water
  • 1/2 lemon juice



  1. Peel and core the apples, discarding the cores.  Cut into small pieces and place into acidulated water to prevent browning.  
  2. In a 20 cm diameter pan, dissolve the sugar in the water.  Bring to the boil, gently moving the pan from side to side. Increase the heat and cook the sugar syrup until just at caramel stage (Light blonde colour).
    Immediately, lower the heat and add the apples.  Stir gently with a wooden spatula.  The syrup should thicken straight away, and then become more liquid.  Simmer over a low heat, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes environ , moving the pan around two or three times.  The apples should become transparent.
  3. To test whether the jam is ready, place a small amount on to a chilled plate.  It should set quickly.
  4. Scald the pots and covers, then fill them with the jam.  Clean up the edges  with a very hot cloth then close the lids. 
  5. Keep In a dark place.     




Galettes des Rois, Gâteaux des Rois

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