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Quince jelly

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The natural aroma of the quince gives this jelly its particular flavour.  Try spreading it on a slice of bread and butter, or use it as a fragrant glaze for an apple tart..


For 4 - 5 pots  30cl:
  • 1,6kg cooking liquid(reserved
    from making quince cheese)
  • Juice extracted from the peelings
  • 1,2 kg granulated sugar
  • 1 c.à.c vanilla extract
  • 1 large saucepan
    28cm in diameter

Quince jelly









Make this jelly after you’ve made Quince cheese.



  1. Squeeze the muslin bag containing the skins and pips to extract the juice and add to the cooking liquid; this extract contains the pectin needed to set the jelly.  Mix and then sieve.
  2. Weigh the liquid (here 1.6kg).  Add 75% of this weight in sugar (here 1.2kg).
  3. Bring to the boil, then cook to 110°.  The syrup should turn a pretty amber colour.  During the cooking process, skim off any scum.
  4. To check whether the jelly is ready, a drop dripped onto a cold plate should set within a minute.
  5. Add the vanilla, mix and pour into sterilised jars.





See Quince cheese recipe.


Galettes des Rois, Gâteaux des Rois

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