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Quince cheese

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A fragrant sweetmeat made from quince pulp, which you make in October and can keep till the following Spring.


For 60 pieces:
  • 2,3 kg quinces(approx8 fruits)
  • 1,8 l water
  • approx 1kg sugar
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
    1 saucepan 28cm in diameter
    1 mouli or fruit press

Quince cheese









  1. Peel and core the quinces, removing any damaged parts, and quarter (avoid small pieces).  Take a large piece of muslin, folded in two if necessary, and put in it the seeds and peelings.  Tie up with a knot and place in the pan.  Add the fruit and cover with water (approx 1.8ltr).  Cook covered 15-20 mins after it has come to the boil, checking that the fruit is cooked by plunging a fork into it. 
  2. When the fruit is cooked, remove it from the pan with a slotted spoon and reserve the cooking liquid to make quince jelly the next day.  Put the quinces through a mouli or fruit press and weigh (here 1.3kg).  Weigh off  ¾ of this weight in sugar (here 1kg).
  3. Put the sugar in the rinsed pan with 1/3rd of the volume of the sugar (here 30cl), then bring to 135°.  This will take about 15 mins from boiling.  When the syrup is ready, turn off the heat and incorporate the purée little by little, mixing with a spatula.  Mix well and return to a medium heat.  Bring back to the boil and cook for 10 mins over a low heat, stirring continuously to avoid the purée sticking.  The purée will turn a pretty amber colour and begin to come away from the sides of the pan.  Turn off the heat, add the vanilla and mix.  The cheese is now ready.
  4. Turn the cheese into 1 or more large rectangular tins lined with baking parchment to a depth of 2cm.  Smooth the surface with a spatula and leave to dry.  The surface will form a crust.  Cut into lozenges and store in a tin separated by a sheet of baking parchment.  If  you like, you can roll them in sugar before storing.
  5. Image




See Quince jelly recipe.


8 recettes de bûches de Noël

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