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Melon Smoothie

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Make this smoothy in June when the melons are at their best. 

Serves 4:

  • 1 melon
  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1 naturalyoghurt
  • 6 ice cubes
  • 1 blender

Melon Smoothie













  • Cut the melon, remove the seeds and cut out the flesh.  Place it into the blender.  
  • Remove the core and sin of the pineapple and throw it into the blender.  
  • Add the yoghurt and ice cubes and blend for a maximum of 20 seconds until the smoothy is sooth and creamy.  
  • Serve immediately






Pearly smoothie with coconut milk

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Pour 4 peoples:

  • 25cl coconut milk
  • 20cl semi skimmed milk
  • 40g perles du japon 
    (or tapioca)
  • 2heaped tbsp caster sugar
  • 250g strwberries
  • 3 kiwis

Pearly smoothie with coconut milk











  • Cook the tapioca as indicated on their packet in a mixture of coconut milk and semi skimmed milk.  Cook on a low heat to avoid sticking, and stir frequently.  Add the sugar at the last moment.  Allow to cool.  
  • Blend 200g of the strawberries and pour the coulis into glasses.  Add 2 strawberries, cut into small pieces. 
  • Now cut the kiwis into small pieces and add those to the strawberries.   
  • Cover with the tapioca milk and refrigerate for at least an hour.
  • With the remaining fruit, cut into cubes and thread them onto small skewers, alternating red and green.   





Serve chilled.  This dessert can be prepared 4 hours ahead.


Cherry Smoothie

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For 4 Smoothies :

  • 600g of stoned cherries
  • 4tbsp of cherry jam
  • 2 pinches of cardamon
  • 60g mascarpone 
  • 4 ice cubes












  • The mascarpone and jam should be well chilled. 
  • Wash the stoned cherries and blend them with the other ingredients.  For a maximum of 20 seconds .
  • Serve immediately.  







Galettes des Rois, Gâteaux des Rois

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