- Set the chocolate to melt in a deep bowl over a bain-marie, maintaining the water temperature at no more than 55°.
- When the chocolate has melted, add the cream and milk which you have heated but not allowed to boil. Whisk together till thick and creamy.
- Pour carefully into the rectangular mould, lined with baking parchment, smoothing the surface with a spatula if necessary. Leave to get cold in the mould. The chocolate will form a crystalline crust.
- Cutting out : using a long knife, cut lengthwise and then widthwise to obtain squares of approximately 2.5cm. Place on a large tray covered with baking parchment, spacing them slightly to allow the sides to crystallise. Put in a cool place (10-12°) for 48hrs.
- When the chocolates are ready (they will have darkened slightly in colour) you can coat them with sieved cocoa; holding each square by the sides, turn in the cocoa, shaking off the excess as you go. The 48hrs’ drying will stop the chocolates from absorbing the cocoa. Arrange in presentation boxes.
- These delicious melt in the mouth truffles make a great gift.
This particular sort of chocolate makes for even more melt in the mouth truffles. Designed to melt more quickly, you can buy it from specialist chocolate makers.
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