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Puff Pastry

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Allow 2 hours for the preparation of this puff pastry; it can be used for all sorts of savoury and sweet tarts.



For 12 people:


  • 300gr pl flour
  • 160 g water
  • 230 g unsalted butter
  • 5g salt


Puff Pastry











Take the butter out of the fridge to soften 2 hours beforehand.  In summer cool the worktop with a freeze block.

Temperature is very important in the preparation of this pastry since butter changes consistency according to temperature.  The ideal is to achieve the same consistency for the dough as for the butter in order to obtain the correct layering of the pastry leaves.

  The Dough:

  1. Place the flour, salt and water in a large bowl.
    Using your fingertips bring the ingredients together, avoiding any kneading action.
  2. Turn out onto the work surface and, using a pastry-cutter, form the dough by cutting it 8 to 10 times till you have a ball of dough.  This process prevents the dough becoming elastic.{mosimage}
  3. With a knife, cut a cross 2cm deep in the dough. Cover with cling-film and leave to rest in the fridge for 20-30mins.

The Turning Process:

  1. Place the butter on a sheet of baking parchment and cover with a second sheet.  Roll out to 1.5cm thick and 16cm square.  Set aside.
  2. Place the dough on the work top and open out the 4 arms of the cross with your hands.  Turn the cross and roll out. {mosimage}
  3. Place the butter in the centre of the dough, then fold the 4 arms of the cross over it into the centre.

  4. Strike the top with the rolling pin to level, then roll out into a rectangle 16cm x48cm;  fold the two ends into the centre to make a 16cm square again.   Make a ¼ turn and repeat the process.  At this stage the pastry will have been turned once.
  5. Cover with cling-film and put in a cool place for 20 mins.
  6. Repeat the turning process twice more and replace in the cool for 20 mins.
  7. The pastry is ready to use.


Galettes des Rois, Gâteaux des Rois

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